Jim Shorkey

Las Palmas
February 19, 2011, 9:59 am
Filed under: picks | Tags: ,

Already a phenomenon, it’s probably redundant to post this but here it is anyways.

(I came across this via Cartoon Brew)

Thin Lizzy – Hollywood
February 14, 2011, 11:27 am
Filed under: picks | Tags: , , ,

I’ve been on a bit of a Thin Lizzy trip lately, so I was extremely happy to find this link via MOJO:

As the description explains, “In 1982, a 70-year-old English granny named May Booker wrote a letter to the BBC about her favorite band, and how nice it would be to play with them. Then this happened.”

Here be the song that sparked the recent Lizzy listening (although the version on my ipod is a live session from John Peel’s show).